DC Super Heroes
DC Super Heroes series from LEGO are based on popular comics such as Superman, Batman, Green Lantern and Spiderman.
The LEGO® DC Super Heroes universe is built around scenes from the comics. Therefore the Super Heroes allows you to play the familiar scenes from the comics. While using your imagination and inventing new ones.
LEGO DC Super Heroes include all the favourites from the Marvel universe. Heroes like Spiderman and Batman.
In each set, the children are tested for their ability to build and follow a tutorial. But that’s only a part of the amusement. All the characters need voices, and through your child’s imagination, they get stories to tell and roles to play, whether they save the world or fight each other.
Inspired by Marvel heroes, kids can learn, play and build, so every day offers new adventures! With Marvel & DC Heroes from LEGO, children can bring their heroes to life.
With heroes like Spiderman and a host of super-villains, these sets really spark their imagination. They will love putting the bricks together and devise new adventures for all the colourful characters.